JUMP TONotabeneAPI referenceauthenticationGet customer access tokenpostUpdate userpostTrustFrameworkCreate VASPpostGet VASPgetList VASPsgetGet VASP Travel Rule protocolsgetUpdate VASPpostDelete VASPgetReview VASPpostCreate a VASP didpostGet top counterparty datagetCustomerCreate customerpostGet customergetTransactionsGet transfergetSearch transfergetList the transactions of a VASP. The transactions are grouped by beneficiary and originator.getList transactionsgetValidate transferpostFully Validate transferpostCreate transferpostApprove transferpostCancel transferpostUpdate transferpostConfirm transferpostNotify transferpostReject transferpostMark a transfer as not readypostAccept transferpostDecline transferpostRedirect transferpostReceive transferpostUpdate pending TR datapostRulesList rulesgetSet rulespostDeletes rules from the provided idspostAddress BookGet upload URLgetRegister addresspostGet address ownership informationgetGet addresses registeredgetDelete addressesdeleteAddress webhookRegister a Webhook for querying addressespostDelete a Webhook for querying addressesdeleteProtocol GatewaysAddress confirmation resolutionpostReceive Transfer resolutionpostWebhooksGet the registered multi-message Webhook URL for a given VASP.getRegister the multi-message Webhook URL for a given VASP.postUnregister the multi-message Webhook for a given VASP.deleteSettingsUpdate a VASP's settingsputGet a VASP's settingsgetJurisdictionsList all JurisdictionsgetPowered by List all Jurisdictionsget https://api.notabene.id/jurisdictionsReturns a list of juristicions.Get jurisdictional requirements You can call our jurisdiction API with or without a 2-digit country ISO code to get the travel rule requirements in one or all jurisdictions: GET https://api.notabene.id/jurisdictions