The Notabene agent

The Notabene agent is a Docker container that enables a VASP to easily set up E2E and hybrid encryption.
You can get the Notabene agent from here


To use the Notabene Agent, follow these steps:

Clone the repository:

git clone [email protected]:notabene/open-source/notabene-agent.git

Move into the right directory

cd notabene-agent

Build the Docker image:

   docker build -t notabene-agent .

Run the container, and make sure to customize the URLs and if you are looking to use it in the production environment, and and for the test environment

   docker run \
      -p 3000:8080 \
      -e PORT=8080 \
      -e CLIENT_ID=YourClientId \
      -e CLIENT_SECRET=YourClientSecret \
      -e AUTH_URL= \
      -e AUDIENCE= \
      -e BASE_URL= \
      -e AUDIENCE_PII= \
      -e BASEURL_PII= \
      -e KEYS='[{"vaspDID":"did:ethr:0x1111111","privateKeyHex":"987654321___123456789"}]' \

   // By default the Notabene Agent listens on port 3000. The -p option maps a host port to the container port.
   // The KEYS argument is optional, but required for Hybrid and E2E encryption flows.
  docker run \
      -p 3000:8080 \
      -e PORT=8080 \
      -e CLIENT_ID=YourClientId \
      -e CLIENT_SECRET=YourClientSecret \
      -e AUTH_URL= \
      -e AUDIENCE= \
      -e BASE_URL= \
      -e AUDIENCE_PII= \
      -e BASEURL_PII= \
      -e KEYS='[{"vaspDID":"did:ethr:0x1111111","privateKeyHex":"987654321___123456789"}]' \
   // By default the Notabene Agent listens on port 3000. The -p option maps a host port to the container port.
   // The KEYS argument is optional, but required for Hybrid and E2E encryption flows.

Use the container proxy server:

   POST http://localhost:3000/tx/create

API reference

Almost all endpoints are identical to our API documetation ( Except you do not need to provide an authorization header, the agent takes care of that using the Auth0 ClientId and ClientSecret credentials.

E2E Encryption

Requirement: For this flow your VASP needs to have an encryption keypair. To generate a new keypair call the following endpoint: GET http://localhost:3000/didkey/new. The output will contain several fields that need to be processed:

  1. Update your VASP in the Notabene network to set its pii_didkey field to this did:key:... value.
  2. Use the privateKeyHex value to initialize the Notabene Agent with the KEYS argument, associating your vaspDID with this private key.
  • POST localhost:3000/tx/create -- creates a transaction and encrypts the PII data if the originatorVASPdid appears in the KEYS. If the beneficiaryVASPdid has no pii_didkey it will only encrypt for the originator.
  • GET localhost:3000/tx/info?id=txid&vaspDID=did:ethr:0x123 -- gets the transaction & decrypts the PII data if the vaspDID appears in the KEYS. When managing multiple VASPs you may not know the originatorVASPdid given a transaction ID, in that case you can call this endpoint twice.
  • POST localhost:3000/tx/update -- updates a transaction and decrypt the PII data if the originatorVASPdid appears in the KEYS. If the beneficiaryVASPdid has no pii_didkey it will only encrypt for the originator.

Hybrid Encryption

Requirement: For this flow your VASP needs to have an encryption keypair. (see E2E Encryption)

  • POST localhost:3000/tx/create?hybrid=1 -- creates a transaction and encrypts the PII data if the originatorVASPdid appears in the KEYS. If the beneficiaryVASPdid has no pii_didkey it will only encrypt for the originator.
  • GET localhost:3000/tx/info?id=txid -- because of hybrid encryption only the transaction ID is required.
  • POST localhost:3000/tx/update?hybrid=1 -- updates a transaction and decrypt the PII data if the originatorVASPdid appears in the KEYS. If the beneficiaryVASPdid has no pii_didkey it will only encrypt for the originator.