Encryption & Decryption Library for Personal Identifiable Information (PII)
The PII SDK should only be used if you are integrating with the Notabene or Fireblocks API.
If you are using the Notabene Node SDK the PII SDK functionality is already included.
You can find the PII SDK here.
yarn add @notabene/pii-sdk
npm install @notabene/pii-sdk
You must create a private/public key pair and publish the public key to the Notabene network. Instructions on how to do that are here.
did: did:key:z6MkmCX1yN9DFVFKrvJ2ULptaDMZsWeTwa4BLifBAVSFg3gL
controllerKeyId: 643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249
type: Ed25519
kid: 643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249
publicKeyHex: 643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249
- Ed25519
kms: local
privateKeyHex: 09e19983ba6efe881a4395ba653742c6ebfdd3bf3ea0ab4359f3474146a7a677643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249
(empty array)
provider: did:key
Initializing the SDK
const PIIsdk = require("@notabene/pii-sdk").default;
const toolset = new PIIsdk({
clientId: "<YOUR API CLIENT ID>",
clientSecret: "<YOUR API CLIENT SECRET>",
audience: "https://pii.notabene.id", // test env url is "https://pii.notabene.dev"
authURL: "https://auth.notabene.id", // test env url is "https://auth.notabene.id"
piiURL: "https://pii.notabene.id" // test env url is "https://pii.notabene.dev"
A full code sample on encrypting a transaction's PII can be found here:
const PIIsdk = require("@notabene/pii-sdk").default;
const toolset = new PIIsdk({<PII SDK Parameters>});
const originatorVASPdid = "<YOUR VASP DID>"
const beneficiaryVASPdid = "<BENEFICIARY VASP DID>"
const counterpartyDIDKey = "<COUNTER-PARTY PUBLIC KEY>"
const keypair = {
"did": "<YOUR PUBLIC KEY>",
"keys": [{
"privateKeyHex": "<YOUR PRIVATE KEY>"
const pii = {<PII data you want to encrypt>};
// Encrypt PII
const encrypted_pii = await toolset.generatePIIField({
pii: pii,
originatorVASPdid: originatorVASPdid,
beneficiaryVASPdid: beneficiaryVASPdid,
counterpartyDIDKey: counterpartyDIDKey,
keypair: keypair,
senderDIDKey: keypair.did,
encryptionMethod: 2 // 0=hosted, 1=end-to-end, 2=hybrid
transacion = {
transactionAsset: "ETH",
transactionAmount: "1000000000000000000",
originatorVASPdid: originatorVASPdid,
beneficiaryVASPdid: beneficiaryVASPdid,
transactionBlockchainInfo: {
txHash: "",
origin: "<Blockchain addresss>",
destination: "<Blockchain address>"
pii: encrypted_pii,
pii_url: "https://pii.notabene.id" // test env url is "https://pii.notabene.dev"
A full code sample on fetching a transaction and decrypting it's PII can be found here:
const PIIsdk = require("@notabene/pii-sdk").default;
const toolset = new PIIsdk({<PII SDK Parameters>});
const keypair = {
"did": "<YOUR PUBLIC KEY>",
"keys": [{
"privateKeyHex": "<YOUR PRIVATE KEY>"
const transaction = {"encrypted transaction"}
// decrypt PII
transaction.ivms101 = await toolset.getPIIObject(transaction.pii, transaction.pii_url, keypair);
Complete flow
Sending end-to-end encrypted PII in a travel rule message
Here is a copy-paste example that will end-to-end encrypt a payload and send it to a beneficiary VASP using txCreate:
(async () => {
try {
const PIIsdk = require("@notabene/pii-sdk").default;
const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');
//Initialize the Notabene encryption toolset
const toolset = new PIIsdk({
clientId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // replace with your own client ID
clientSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // replace with your own client secret
audience: "https://pii.notabene.dev", // prod env: "https://pii.notabene.id"
authURL: "https://auth.notabene.id", // prod&test env: "https://auth.notabene.id"
piiURL: "https://pii.notabene.dev" // prod env: "https://pii.notabene.id"
const originatorVASPdid = "did:ethr:0x54768b1da0c6f1bd0fda15dc6c55cbba40f85744" // replace with your own DID
const beneficiaryVASPdid = "did:ethr:0xd4bd902ec78578f33a20ff601504d2ab324cfab9" // the DID of the vasp where you are sending
const counterpartyDIDKey = "did:key:z6MkecCsDyGh4LdUSyhNdVX8E719o92HospPGETauaKpMmfr" // the public key of the beneficiary VASP
const keypair = { // replace with your own keypair information
"did": "did:key:z6MkmCX1yN9DFVFKrvJ2ULptaDMZsWeTwa4BLifBAVSFg3gL",
"keys": [{
"privateKeyHex": "09e19983ba6efe881a4395ba653742c6ebfdd3bf3ea0ab4359f3224146a7a677643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249"
const pii = {
originator: {
originatorPersons: [{
naturalPerson: {
name: [{
nameIdentifier: [{
primaryIdentifier: 'Smith',
secondaryIdentifier: 'John',
}, ],
}, ],
geographicAddress: [{
streetName: 'Chicago Ave',
townName: 'Chicago',
country: 'US',
buildingNumber: '10',
postCode: '123456',
}, ],
nationalIdentification: {
countryOfIssue: 'US',
nationalIdentifier: '987654321',
nationalIdentifierType: 'DRLC',
}, ],
accountNumber: [
beneficiary: {
beneficiaryPersons: [{
naturalPerson: {
name: [{
nameIdentifier: [{
primaryIdentifier: 'Hall',
secondaryIdentifier: 'Leah',
}, ],
}, ],
}, ],
accountNumber: [
// Encrypt PII
const piiIvms = await toolset.generatePIIField({
pii: pii,
originatorVASPdid: originatorVASPdid,
beneficiaryVASPdid: beneficiaryVASPdid,
counterpartyDIDKey: counterpartyDIDKey,
keypair: keypair,
senderDIDKey: keypair.did,
encryptionMethod: 1 // 0=hosted, 1=end-to-end, 2=hybrid
// create a transaction on Notabene using the encrypted data
const bearer_token = "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
const options = {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
accept: 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
authorization: bearer_token
body: JSON.stringify({
transactionAsset: "ETH",
transactionAmount: "1000000000000000000",
originatorVASPdid: originatorVASPdid,
beneficiaryVASPdid: beneficiaryVASPdid,
transactionBlockchainInfo: {
origin: "0x2581f70e8c65e357c01cFb591397c39004B3fa4Agggg",
destination: "0x15615618561561561a651561561e614561b1cc65161561"
pii: piiIvms,
pii_url: "https://pii.notabene.dev" // prod env :"https://pii.notabene.id"
const response = await fetch('https://api.notabene.dev/tx/create', options);
const responseData = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('An error occurred:', error);
Decrypting end-to-end encrypted PII
A copy-paste example of decrypting end-to-end encrypted PII:
(async () => {
const PIIsdk = require("@notabene/pii-sdk").default;
const fetch = require('isomorphic-fetch');
//Initialize the Notabene encryption toolset
const toolset = new PIIsdk({
clientId: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // replace with your own client ID
clientSecret: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", // replace with your own client secret
audience: "https://pii.notabene.dev", // prod env: "https://pii.notabene.id"
authURL: "https://auth.notabene.id", // prod/test env: "https://auth.notabene.id"
piiURL: "https://pii.notabene.dev" // prod env: "https://pii.notabene.id"
const vaspDid = "did:ethr:0xd4bd902ec78578f33a20ff601504d2ab324cfab9" // replace with your own VASP DID
const keypair = { // replace with your own keypair information
"did": "did:key:z6MkecCsDyGh4LdUSyhNdVX8E719o92HospPGETauaKpMmfrL",
"keys": [{
"privateKeyHex": "09e19983ba6efe881a4395ba653742c6ebfdd3bf3ea0ab4359f3474146a7a677643b067d274844756bc6d7c32be7303dd6badcfc31b9dc56e73ec164e23e8249"
const bearer_token = "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" // your accessToken
const options = {
method: 'GET',
headers: {
accept: 'application/json',
'content-type': 'application/json',
authorization: bearer_token
const transactionId = "5098f416-b4d3-421c-9f5a-d82b11dd1b2c" // the transfer ID of the message you want to decrypt
const resp = await fetch('https://api.notabene.dev/tx/info?' + new URLSearchParams({
id: transactionId,
}), options)
.catch(err => console.error(err));
const transaction = await resp.json()
// decrypt PII
transaction.ivms101 = await toolset.getPIIObject(transaction.pii, transaction.pii_url, keypair);
The encrypted and decrypted ivms101 data:
{"originator":{"accountNumber":["0x2581f70e8c65e357c01cFb591397c39004B3fa4Agggg"],"originatorPersons":[{"naturalPerson":{"name":[{"nameIdentifier":[{"primaryIdentifier":"Smith","secondaryIdentifier":"John"}]}],"geographicAddress":[{"country":"US","postCode":"123456","townName":"Chicago","streetName":"Chicago Ave","buildingNumber":"10"}],"nationalIdentification":{"countryOfIssue":"US","nationalIdentifier":"987654321","nationalIdentifierType":"DRLC"}}}]},"beneficiary":{"accountNumber":["0x15615618561561561a651561561e614561b1cc65161561"],"beneficiaryPersons":[{"naturalPerson":{"name":[{"nameIdentifier":[{"primaryIdentifier":"Hall","secondaryIdentifier":"Leah"}]}]}}]}}
Updated 9 months ago